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Roman Roads and Milestones in Judaea/Palaestina

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Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee
Department of Holy Land Studies
Tel Aviv University

IMC - Israeli Milestone Committee

Roman Roads and Milestones in Judaea/Palaestina

"In 1970 The Israel Milestone Committee (IMC) was formed by Mordechai Gichon as a branch of the International Curatorium of the Corpus Miliariorum. The aim of the committee was to assemble, study and prepare for publication the milestones inscriptions found in Israel. The IMC also intended to carry out a systematic survey of all the extant remains related to roads, in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the Roman road network in Israel. For almost 40 years the Committee's field and research work was led by Israel Roll and Benjamin Isaac together with other scholars."


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