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Is there a God?

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Brave people


There is a story about a man who fell from a skyscraper. When he had fallen about fifteen floors he shouted out cheerfully, “I’m not dead yet, anyway!”


We are all a bit like that man. The only thing we can be sure about is that we are moving swiftly towards death, and yet we act as if we are immortal.


We make ambitious plans as if time will stand still for us. In the words of the Lord Jesus, we pull down our barns and build bigger ones. Yet tomorrow we may be dead.


Some of our fellow travellers on the road to the grave are very brave people. They push out their chests and ask, “Is there a God?”


Is there a God? The question should make us wince. Ours is the brief, uncertain life. God, the Creator inhabits eternity.


My remarkable vehicle


Let’s talk cars for a few moments. I have a car with a four-cylinder engine. Each cylinder has a piston, and these four pistons are connected to a crankshaft which is connected, through a gearbox, to an axle that turns the wheels that move the car.


This is what happens when my car goes. By a downward movement, one of the pistons draws a mixture of petrol and air into a cylinder. A valve closes and an upward piston movement compresses the mixture. At exactly the right moment a spark causes it to explode, and the piston is driven back down. This turns the crankshaft. Up comes the piston again, this time pushing out the exhaust gas —a valve conveniently opening for the pur­pose.

The pistons are so arranged that as one drives the crankshaft, the other three are driven by it. As the explosion pushes one piston down, another draws in gas, a third compresses it, and a fourth pushes out ex­haust fumes.


The process is quite complicated. Pistons, valves, plugs, carburettor, gears: these and other things must function in the right way, at the right time, to make my car go.


I have met several people who have seemed intent on destroying my car, but I have never met the man who created it. Come to think of it, I don’t believe there is such a person, or ever has been. It just came into being. My car is obviously a pretty ancient model, and given enough time, you know . . .

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More wonderful


Did I hear you snorting at my stupidity? But can’t you see that the idea that man came into being without having been created is even more stupid?


Need I state that, mortal though he is, man is much more wonderful than the finest car. Not only is he mobile, but he embodies many other remarkable features besides. Self-adj­usting, high-fidelity sense organs; built-in repairs and maintenance equipment; highly sensitive emotional equipment; complex ap­paratus for acquiring, storing and using know­ledge; an efficient reproductive system . . .


Man is one of a worldful of amazing creatures. Every animal and every plant prov­ides evidence that a creative genius has been at work.


Nor should we forget that these superb little pieces of living machinery are all parts of a bigger machine. Plants depend upon animals and animals depend upon plants, and all depend upon microscopic organisms to perform the very functions that make life possible. How could anyone be so credulous as to believe that these things came by chance?


A spanner in the works


Man is a wonderful creature, but he is not perfect. A long time ago a person named Adam upset the human balance. The thinking apparatus and the emotional equipment got mixed up. Now man is very clever, but not very wise.


For proof of man’s cleverness, witness the things he has created—my car, for example. For evidence that he lacks wisdom, listen to him impudently asking, “Is there a God?”


Indeed there is a God, and “he gives wisdom to the wise”. You are invited, and instructed, to seek this wisdom from the Scriptures—the Word of God.



Peter Watkins


Christadelphian Auxiliary Lecturing Society





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