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TFTD - August 2017

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26 August 2017 


"All the works of man perish however great and enduring they may seem. If there is anything in a human being that will endure for ever it is only his character. It is in fact the “new man,” begotten and developed by the Word of God ... If there is a new man of the Spirit, called into being by God, renewed day by day through the contemplation of the eternal things that are unseen and developed through the trials of mortal experience, the individual may survive, and by the grace of God pass on to a higher plane of life."


- Islip Collyer

Work and Motive (1932)
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27 August 2017

"The figures used in the Scripture suggest a biology of the spiritual life. The word of God is first of all the germ which brings the begettal of a new creature. When it enters into a man and finds lodgment a process of germination begins; there is an inward development of something not of fleshly origin. Secondly, it is the word of God which brings the "new man" to birth; with the decision to render obedience in baptism a new manhood is brought forth. And finally the word is the means of nurture of the new creature which has been born. All we know of that word through our reading and our fellowship is for us concentrated in the emblems of our Lord, the living Word, when through this feast we call him to mind. May we partake of those emblems in faith, in self-examination, in repentance, and in earnest renewal, "girding up the loins of our minds", so that when our Lord comes he may find us a truly regenerate community, spiritually nourished."

- L.G. Sargent
Born Again (1952)

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28 August 2017


"There could be no half-hearted believers in those days. Their conscience had to have been marked by the Son of God in the Word and branded by its fire ... What is difficult for us is to catch the same fire when things are easy, when most of us now enjoy the very tolerance they strove and died for, when the lurking dangers are not secret police, and informers and inquisitors, but apathy, materialism and the sins of Sodom—"fulness of bread and abundance of idleness."


- Alan Eyre

Brethren in Christ 

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29 August 2017


"Love never faileth, for love passes from the mortal into the spirit state and is perfected. Like produces like and has its own affinities. So the love of God shining into the hearts of those who are His is reflected, and as they grow in grace becomes more luminous, “shining more and more to the perfect day.” There is no such thing as a loveless child of God. Those who are His have the stamp of their Father upon them and are like Him, and without that likeness they are none of His. So if we have not the spirit that was in Christ we are none of his and the basic principle of that spirit is love. Let the love of God dwell richly in our hearts and minds with all its sweetening influences and how beautiful becomes the character thus moulded. Brethren in Christ are those who are like him above all in this, for without it all else is a failure, as Paul teaches (1 Corinthians 13)."


- Robert W. Ferguson

Children of God (1929)
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30 August 2017


"... Men have been able to receive, without fear, the messages of the prophets and apostles, and the life-giving words of the Lord Jesus himself. Yes, and by reading the Scriptures men can still receive these same divine communications with an ease that is astonishing. But that which is easy to receive is easy to reject. And so, in every age, there has been a majority of proud or indifferent unbelievers, and a minority of humble and persistent seekers after truth."


- Peter Watkins

The Still Small Voice (1961)

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31 August 2017


"A man having entered a race cannot be a winner unless he perseveres to the mark; if he stops short anywhere, he will certainly not gain the prize. We must not allow ourselves to be put off the path of duty by anything or anybody, whether friend or foe, especially the former. There are few people put off the path by the foe; the effect of the foe’s influence is to excite combativeness, and cause a sharp look out. It is the influence of non-spiritually-minded friends that is to be dreaded. By such we are liable to be beguiled from the simplicity that is in Christ, and from our virgin attachment to him and our obedience to his commandments ..."


- Robert Roberts

Sunday Morning (1870)

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