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TFTD - May 2017

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26 May 2017


"Self-discipline is the way of fitness for service, and it is relevant to every part of our conscious life. We can think of this as grim and joyless, as a hard struggle in which pleasure and lightheartedness have little part. That is a common but total error. The truly happy man is one who is not the sport of circumstance, who has his values right, who knows where he is going and is prepared if necessary to endure hardness on the way. His interests are wide and not self-centred, he looks for and sees in life the magic, the beauty and the wonder that are around him. He has assurance, he has inner peace, and the things that give him joy are those things that man cannot destroy.


He is disciplined because he is a disciple, a learner at the feet of his Master who himself had learned obedience by the things which he suffered. The disciple is not greater than his Lord, and he too must learn obedience. But how great the reward! To be in harmony with the Lord is a more certain happiness than any the world can give, to be his friend is an almost unthinkable honour, and yet such we are—"if you do what I command" (John 15:14)."


- Ralph Smalley

Self-Discipline (1965)

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27 May 2017


"How delightful and instructive are the words of the Lord, in whatever form they come to us! They rebuke, comfort, strengthen us, and develop in us a sense of movement in history which is not so much what we are living through, as the impulse which is taking us forward to a glorious future. No word of His should be underestimated or neglected. How much each of us would have been saved if, when we were furious with someone we not only counted a hundred but remembered the proverb: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." (Proverbs 15:1). Or if, when we have tended to slip and have felt that our faith was not worth while we remembered the salutary words: "The memory of the righteous will be a blessing ..." (Proverbs 10:7)."


- John Marshall

Help in the Daily Readings (1965)
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28 May 2017


"The keeping of God’s commandments is a source of blessing, and of peace and contentment. “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with their whole heart” (Psalm 119:1,2). “Great peace have they which love thy law; and they shall have no stumbling-block” (Psalm 119:165). The secret of the good life is known to them who know God."


- John Carter

The Faithful God (1950)
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29 May 2017


"Conviction pre-supposes knowledge. We cannot be convinced of something which we do not know, or of something which we have not in some way or another learned to be true. We cannot believe that two plus two makes four unless we have first learned to count. We cannot believe in the redemptive work of Christ unless we have first learned of our own death-stricken state. And conviction grows with knowledge. To say that we are individually convinced is to say that we are, to that extent, individually knowledgeable concerning revealed truth."


- A. Dagg

Change and Permanence (1945)

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30 May 2017


"The truth of Christianity, with its fundamental assertion of God’s work in His Son and of the offer of reconciliation and eternal life, has always been challenged from the earliest days, and in every age “Apologies” have been written in defence of the truth of the Christian foundations. The battle of belief and unbelief will never abate until the matter is settled for ever by the personal return of Jesus himself."


- J. Carter

Believing the Bible (1948)   
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31 May 2017


"... the kind of people God requires, those who will give attention to the things written in His Word. “They shall be comforted.” “They shall inherit the earth.” “Theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” So if we follow the things here laid down for our observance we shall see that salvation finally which was all David’s desire and all his hope, and which is ours also by our knowledge of the Truth."


- J.J. Mills

Genesis and the End (1944)

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