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01 December 2015


"We too have been called into the sphere of God’s purpose. We are a remnant, taken out of the Gentiles to be a people for His name. We are called to be living stones built up as a spiritual House of the Lord; a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Glory and the judgment implicit in glory have come near us, for we have been “bought with a price” by “the Lord the Glory”. As light was commanded to shine on the First Day, so the light of a new creation has shone in our hearts “to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”. The light of God searches us continually."


- L.G. Sargent

Visions of God (1954)

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02 December 2015


"These Christian disciples (at Antioch) shone as lights in the world, holding forth the Word of Life. They counted not their lives dear unto them: but hazarded everything, reputation, liberty, wealth, and friends, for the Word’s sake. Their treasure was in heaven; therefore their anchor was within the veil. The icy coldness of their old nature was thawed into the genial sympathies of the new man by the benevolence of God. Heart clung to heart, and hand joined in hand, the expressive symbol of unity and love. We want to behold a Church of Christian disciples such as these; we fear that such an one is yet a stranger in our world."


- John Thomas

Herald of the Future Age (1846) 
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03 December 2015


"If you put the brothers in remembrance of these things, you shall be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto you have attained" (1 Timothy 4:6).


"How great is our need to be "nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine!" We can take these words of Paul to ourselves as a call to self-discipline, and as an appeal for dedication to the hope of our calling. It is a call for the renewal of faith and for diligence in the study of the word of God."


- D.M. Elliott

Renewal (1976)

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04 December 2015


"God is the source of love, truth and doctrines; He is worthy of the honour and worship of all mankind for He is its Creator. There is danger in any failure to give Him the proper and humble respect which is His due. For everyone “The fear (awe) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. When Nebuchadnezzar, in pride, set himself against the majesty of Yahweh, he became as “a beast of the field”; and when he lifted his eyes to heaven and “blessed and praised the most High, and praised and honoured him that liveth for ever”, his kingdom was restored to him."


- John Marshall

The Living Ecclesia (1971)
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05 December 2015


"... faith is neither a vague emotion nor a mental "leap in the dark", it demands as its first requisite the conviction that God is. Without this it cannot exist. That belief does not come from a man’s inward self, since neither man’s musings nor his own ideals can have any foundation outside himself. It has as its source as well as its object the self-existing God."


- L.G. Sargent

The Way of Approach (1969)

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06 December 2015


"... when Christ who is our life shall appear, we also shall appear with him in glory, and each in his own capacity as a light reflector will show forth to the nations of the earth the light of the Lord, and by this means the nations who learn to walk in this light will be healed. The work of righteousness will bring peace to the nations, and the effect will be seen in quietness and assurance for evermore among the nations of the earth."


- The late Sis. Wright (Leicester)

Precious Stones (1976)

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07 December 2015

"The simple scripture truth remains as certain today as it ever was, that “in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”. Genesis is indeed the foundation of God’s revelation to man – and not just as a source of facts about creation, but also as the watershed of profound spiritual truths."
- Andrew Bramhill
Genesis Foundations (2015)
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08 December 2015


"Throughout his gracious ministry Jesus preached the things of the Kingdom. The miracles he wrought had a direct bearing on his teaching. He had come to proclaim salvation, to invite men to turn to God and receive the adoption of sons. He prepared men’s minds for the time when under his hand, the whole earth would be filled with the glory of his Father. In a very real sense the Kingdom of God was at hand. He was the King; his obedience unto death was to set the seal to God’s purpose. The precepts which he taught were the principles upon which the Kingdom would be governed. Each miracle he wrought over disease and death was a symbol of the final abolition of sin and the final victory over death. Each mastery over the powers of nature was an earnest of the day when all the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and he shall be governor among the nations."


- Melva Purkis

A Life of Jesus

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09 December 2015     


"In seeking to know and love God the children of faith exhibit yet another likeness to Christ and for their reward have hope of eternal life (John 17:3). The world around them, by contrast, being without God, is without hope and cannot look forward to an enduring future (Ephesians 2:12; 4:17-18; Colossians 1:21). On the other hand, those to whom the Gospel has appealed are called and chosen and faithful. Thus they are different from the surrounding peoples who are daily made aware of that difference which marks out the faithful, the saints."


- J.J. Morgan

Living Memorials of Jesus (1951)       
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10 December 2015


"In humility, modesty and love, the goodness of God is portrayed in the lives of His children so that His honour is sustained and His mercies made manifest. This is the imitation of God which the Apostle exhorted in his epistle to the Ephesians, "Therefore, be imitators of God as dearly loved children" (Ephesians 5:1)."


- John Marshall

The New Life

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11 December 2015


"The great and the small—all come within the compass of God’s creative power; in human life all come within the scope of His redeeming mercy; in the new life in Christ its transforming power informs our thought, speech and action until we all come in the "unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13)."


- Ralph Smalley
The Great and the Small (1963)
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12 December 2015


"Faithfulness to our calling requires us to maintain our witness to the truths so clearly upheld in the Scriptures. This we can only do by maintaining our basis of understanding and belief, so well tested over 100 years. Only in this way can we whole-heartedly co-operate in the work of God in us, and in all who may come to believe the truth, that of "taking out of the nations a people for his name" (Amos 9:11-12; Acts 15:2,12-14)."


- Fred Pearce

The Vital Teachings of the Scriptures (1985)

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13 December 2015


"Down through history the people of God have struggled to stay on the lonely track strengthened by the vision that the narrow path leads to the broad ways of the Kingdom of God. The disciple has not been promised an easy time, but he has the assurance that “all things work together for good to them that love God” (Romans 8:28), and there is divine guidance provided for the way as stated by the Psalmist: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). In our determination to search for, and follow that way wherever it might lead, let us never forget an important principle. We must always interpret our experiences by the Word of God, and never allow our experiences to be used to interpret the Bible—it is all the difference between being in the light and groping in the shadows and in darkness. “Let your eyes look directly forward and your gaze be straight before you. Take heed to the path of your feet, then all your ways will be sure” (Proverbs 4:25-26, R.S.V.)."


- Ken Camplin

The Narrow Way Through the Crowds (1984)

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14 December 2015 


"If our hearts and hands are holding only to the things of this life, we too shall fall victim to the world’s fears. If our hopes and aims lie beneath the sun, then, when it is darkened, we shall be without light. Only the children of the kingdom will be able to lift up their heads, rejoicing, in the sure knowledge that their redemption is at hand. Fear or faith: that is the choice."


- Harry Tennant

I Was Afraid (1974)

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15 December 2015


"Amidst all the present obstacles to God’s providence in its broad context, we can know the triumph of His selective providence towards us personally, if we are truly His children. Through all the trials and tangles of a restless world, His practical help finds its way unerringly to those that trust Him and call upon His name. God is our refuge and strength, and underneath are the everlasting arms."


- Claud Lamb

The Goodness of God (1974)

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16 December 2015


"The Master is come, and calls for you" (John 11:28). We know not how soon that call will come, but let it not be, "Could you not watch with me one hour?" (Matthew 26:40), but rather, "Come, you blessed of my Father" (Matthew 25:34). In the words of Brother Collyer’s hymn "We make the answer now."


- James Carter

Awake! The End is Near (1978)
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17 December 2015 


"The protection of God was always upon his glorious son, even in the death of the cross. His Father was a help to him from his enemies. Soon He will bring him in unto his people, when Jesus returns from heaven to receive the praise not only of the converted tribes of Israel, but of all his brethren of spiritual Israel."


- F.E. Mitchell

Gather Yourselves Together (1965)

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18 December 2015


"Our Master has never promised us an easy passage to the Kingdom: it was his careful insistence upon the severe demands of surrender to him which caused so many to walk no more with him. But he did promise to deliver us from the heaviness of despair and despondency in trouble, by giving us strength and even joy in the process of enduring inevitable afflictions; he did promise the consolation of his presence. The experiences of the early apostles testify to the power of this deliverance. And this glorious deliverance goes on still, concealed in our day by reserve or modesty, or a hesitancy to speak of the intimate spiritual crises of our life: emerging sometimes when hearts are warmed and suddenly feel their spiritual affinity with a kindred heart, and deep calls unto deep: glowing moments that cannot be deliberately encouraged, but will flow spontaneously where spiritual life is rich."


- Melva Purkis 

Our Spiritual Heritage (1955)

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19 December 2015

"From the beginning God had made a sharp distinction between His people and the world of men. Those who believed Him had their faith accounted for righteousness; for those who worshipped Him "he remembered his holy promise" (Psalm 105:42). The Lord was therefore "the Holy One of Israel" (e.g. Isaiah 1:4). Moreover, His only begotten Son, though the seed of the woman, was born "that holy thing" (Luke 1:35). One mark of his separation was that all other men die, but the Father suffered not his "Holy One to see corruption."

- Alfred Nicholls
Foundation Words of the Faith (1991)
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20 December 2015 


"Earth’s most searching need, the one thing above all others which shows the hopeless inadequacy of men, is how to be right with God. It is the one soaring need demanding an act, costly even to the Father of all. And He delivered him up for us all."


- Charles Mason

If God be for us ... (1967)

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21 December 2015


"Salvation is individual; it is the change of relationship between one man or one woman and God. Yet we are saved as individuals in order that we may be redeemed as a whole, for the redemption foretold is not simply of bodies but of “our Body”, the singular noun used with the collective plural pronoun. Believers are, as Paul so often insists, a body now, with many members knit together in love and each contributing its part; but the perfected unity is to be attained by conformity to the Divine image seen in the Son of God."


- L.G. Sargent

We Shall Be Like Him (1970)
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22 December 2015


"If we are spiritually minded and know what is past and what is still ahead we should rejoice, because a glorious future lies just ahead. This attitude toward the passing of time was a consolation to our Lord, who “for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2). This vision of his future glory fortified his mental and physical faculties to endure a death by crucifixion. We can find comfort and courage by looking ahead to the day of Christ, and see eternity without the fear of death."


- Wilbur P. Brittle

What Time Is It? (1961)

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23 December 2015


"The Lord Jesus knew that he was come from God and went to God. This thought is capable of much expansion, but the simplest understanding of the words leads us to perceive that the life of Jesus was a life of purpose, moving onwards and upwards, a journey to perfect moral and physical harmony with the Father. The wonder of the believer’s position is emphasized by the application of the same thought. We are born by the operation of the Word of God and hope to attain, by the grace of God, to the divine nature. Our life, also, is a life of purpose and growth."


- D.L. Jenkins

Growth in the Family of God (1957)

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24 December 2015

"The city of God has not yet been built. The stones are being prepared by the master stonemason but they have not yet been constructed into a building in which God by His spirit will dwell. The new Jerusalem will be composed of people who have been prepared by God, people who first of all have answered the call to "Go out" of the city of death that they might "enter in" to the city of peace and life."

- Colin Edwards
Come Out of Her, My People (1978)

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25 December 2015


"The peace of God does not depend upon outward circumstances. If it did then men would never have been able to sing in prison or live contentedly with nothing. This peace is as tranquil in January as it is in June. Sunshine or storm, it is constant. As it is not based upon outward circumstances, it cannot be destroyed by them. Its roots are in eternal things, so it cannot be overthrown by transient things."


- Dennis Gillett

The Genius of Discipleship

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