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BeeyaYZ last won the day on May 27 2014

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  1. The Internet offers many resources (quite a few Christadephian) for ONLINE study of the Bible. These can be found quite readily by using relevant search terms. But, I wish to recommend here several free OFFLINE software programs that assist the Bible student. My favourite is TheWord (www.theword.net) which has many functions and a large associated modules library. Another popular free program is E-Sword (www.E-Sword.net). Both TheWord and E-Sword were originally designed for the Windows platform, but E-Sword has recently been made available for Mac users also. Recently I have begun to use iBibleStudy-HD on an iPad and find it both useful and elegant to use. (www.holybibleanswer.com/) For the Android platform, I recommend MySword.(www.MySword.info) My special interest in these offline programs is the ability to integrate Christadelphian resources into them. While reading or viewing these resources, the Bible student can use a few simple mouse clicks or keystrokes to link into relevant Bible passages, commentaries, dictionaries, graphics etc. I have made freely available quite a few such CHDN resources for these three programs - and Online Bible- through my website (www.BibleWorkman.net). My intention is to provide more such modules and I invite others to suggest CHDN resources that would lend themselves to such integration. Writings that have many Bible references are particularly suitable.
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