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TFTD - July 2016

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26 July 2016


"... the obligation is laid upon us all to grow spiritually, and to go on growing, with the objective of producing fruit a hundred-fold. As members of the body of Christ, we need especially to grow in brotherly love. In his own beautiful way, Paul tells the Thessalonians that they are "taught of God to love one another" (1 Thessalonians 4:9). The Apostle knows that these good Thessalonian believers have a loving disposition towards all the Macedonian brethren (1 Thessalonians 4:10). "But", adds Paul—and what force is there in this 'But'—"We exhort you, brethren, that ye increase more and more."


- T.J. Barling

Trees of Righteousness (1991)

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27 July 2016


"The ransomed of the Lord are at the end of the road. The gates of Zion invite us, eternal fellowship with God is there. There too is the innumerable company of angels in festal mood, ready to rejoice over the heirs of salvation whose guardians they were. There will be heard the song of the Lamb. Ten thousand times ten thousand immortal voices will rise in a paean of praise. Like some mighty cataract tumbling into an abyss, the sound will swell, pulsating and reverberating to the ends of the earth. "Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be to him that sits on the throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever" (Revelation 5:13)."


- Elwyn Humphreys

Our Pilgrimage (1964)

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28 July 2016


"The foundation of any doctrine of truth or life is dedication to God in all one’s ways: “Serve Yahweh with fear, and rejoice with trembling”, (Psalm 2:11) said the Psalmist, and this kind of sanctified response to God pervades the writings of the Apostle Paul regarding work and service to men. To him service of any kind was to be rendered as “unto Christ” or as “unto the Lord”. Could the children of God do otherwise in any activity?"


- John Marshall

The New Life

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29 July 2016


"It is possible for people to do right things for all kinds of reasons—self-interest, loyalty, pity, self-fulfilment. True righteousness is inspired by holiness, and holiness in the disciple is an approximation to the character of Christ. If it had to be defined in one sentence then it could well be in John 1:17: “For the law came by Moses: grace and truth came by Jesus Christ”. Holiness at its best is a character full of grace and truth. In the genius of discipleship it means being truth-governed and love-impulsed. The question is sometimes asked: How can we know if we have holiness? The answer in all honesty needs to ask another question: How much are we in character people of grace and truth?" 


- Dennis Gillett

The Genius of Discipleship

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30 July 2016


"There is only one course of action for the child of God, and that is complete separation from evil practices and company. If we compromise, we are lost. "Remember Lot’s wife", said Jesus. Let us not be lulled into a false sense of security, but rather have every faculty fully alerted that that day does not overtake us unawares."


- James Carter

Wake, Brethren, Wake! (1971)
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